Hi Everyone,

I have built a simple jQuery application (a web based chat app).

This works well in Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc... However, in what
appears all versions of IE on "some" pageloads (normally the second or
third, but this seems random) once the page is loaded all of the (non-
javascript) links stop working. The "click" noise is heard as they are
clicked, but nothing happens. Bizarrely, this only affects links
pointing within the same domain - a link to google.com for example
continues to work, but <a href="/">x</a> will not.

I'm literally tearing my hair out to find the cause of this. Firebug,
which is ace, shows everything working. There is a simple .getJSON
call left open (which is closed by the server when a new message
arrives) but this sometimes works perfectly in IE.

I've tried to use the developer tools in IE8, and if I run the
profiler I see function calls to function "N" and also "JScript -
window script block". I dont know what this is, but I imagine that
this might have something to do with it.

So my questions are:
- What is the best way to tell what the current method being executed
in javascript is? (I cant seem to get the call stack or console in IE8
to do anything)
- Is there a common newbie mistake in jQuery that can cause this
- If I have to concede defeat myself (i've spent days rewriting this
to no avail), does anyone know a cost effective and good jQuery
consultant able to do jump in and fix problems / add small features to
existing projects?

Many thanks,


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