
If you are trying to get the parent of the 'close' button and fade
that out, just use one of the following:

closest( expr )
parent( [expr] )

$(document).bind("click", function (e) {
      $(e.target).closest("li").toggleClass("hilight"); // will
traverse the clicked element returning the first "li" which is parent
of the element


On Dec 21, 5:56 pm, heglandio <i...@simon-hegland.com> wrote:
> Hi people
> I need help with my navigation-system. My currently situation is the
> following:
> I've got a "closer" on my website, a button, that allows a close-
> function to the upper div-element, in which the closer seats. One
> level higher. It's the only parent-element with a "closer" on the
> website.
> My code:
> $('.closer').click(function () {
>                         $('div:has(.closer)').fadeOut(2000);
>                 });
> It's really simple. Every div-element, that contains the closer-class,
> in my case all of them, will have a fadeOut. And it works great. By
> click on the closer-class the upper (...higher) parent-div will be
> close.
> My problem. I've got an other function, that allows to fadeIn the same
> div:
> $('.page1').click(function () {
>                         $('#content, #philosopie, #kontakt, 
> #curriculumvitae').fadeOut
> (2000);
>                                 $('#ueberuns').fadeIn(2000);
>                 });
> The ID = #ueberuns is the same div as the upper one in the instruction
> above! But it won't work well. Why? The meaning goes to the same Div?
> I can't understand it.
> A solution would be:
> $('#ueberuns').fadeIn(2000); change to =
> $('div:has(.closer)').fadeIn(2000);
> It would work great, BUT (!) I've got other divs, layered one upon the
> other, which are also got a fadeIn and the user will see all layered.
> Terrible! :-)
> My first solution was quiet simple. I had for every "closer" a
> seperate function, that response to seperate IDs etc. It works fine.
> Why not? But I'm interested in a minimal code-use. ;-)
> My first idea was, to select by jquery-selectors the upper element,
> like this:
> ...$('.closer < div').fadeOut(2000); it means in my mind =
> the parent-element of .closer(class), in this case a div-element,
> would get fade out. It doesn't work and I'm studying the selectors
> better. ;-) Any Idea for that? Has got jquery any selector like this?
> (by the way)
> Any Ideas for my problem? My idea is further to save code. It means:
> one close-function for each of the layered divs and not seperate
> functions, that blow up my code gigantically.
> regards

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