Looks to me like the www.000webhost.com analytics code is what is
slowing the process, not the loading of jQuery.  I got waiting for
attilio.site50.net and/or www.000webhost.com messages from your site.

As I'm sure you know jQuery waits for the entire page to load before
it is enacted hence the $(document).ready(function().

I would guess that your host is putting that script at the bottom of
your page...otherwise loose it or add it to the $(document).ready
(function() call.

As Šime Vidas stated use css to hide the drop-downs. In fact you can
use css to produce the "drop-down" menu with a layer of jquery to
provide the fade in/out effects.  Here are a few pure CSS drop-down
menu examples:


Otherwise I do like the effects you came up with on the navigation.

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