I can do your solution here no problem.
I am still at work for now. will be done in about an hour then I can work on
your small project :)

tell me exactly what type of animation you want.

slide fade...slide bounce...slide elastic etc.

On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 10:28 PM, John Sanabria <busetolo...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Waseem, again thank you for your help.
> Now, this is what I'm trying to do. (I'm adding a couple of screenshots for
> further detail)
> First image:
>  As you can see, I have a unordered list with an id of "filter" that
> *filters* the items of the also unordered list with an id of portafolio. The
> filtering works by adding a class of "current" to the items that are visible
> (and match the category you're clicking, eg web, print, etc) and a hidden
> class (witha a display:none) to the ones that are hidden.
> The div with an class of portfolioclip is the container of the portfolio
> items and it initially displays ONLY the first three items, regardless if
> the number of items made visible by the filtering script is higher. The
> .portfolioclip has a height of 225px and overflow:hidden.
> So when one clicks in the plus button (#portfolio-morelink) I want the
> container's height to grow automatically to show all the visible items, as
> you can see in the next image. I've sort of accomplished this toggling the
> class of the container with jQuery to .portfoliofull (height:100%) and a
> 2000 ms duration so it slides smoothly when it grows.
> $s('.portfolioclip').toggleClass('portfoliofull', 2000);
>          return false;
>           });
> The problem, as I stated in the first post, is that Internet Explorer
> doesn't pick the duration value and it expands/contracts the div very
> harshly, no smooth animation.
> I've read I can do this with toggling the initial height (232px) with the
> final height (auto) but I don't understand how to state the initial height
> is different than 0. So it goes from 232px to 0 which is not what I want.
> Also I tried with animating the height without the toggling and it works
> fine except it only works once cause since there is no toggling, the div
> doesn't return to its previous state.
> I hope I've explained myself. If not, please tell me what more info do you
> need and I will answer. Again, thank you very much.
> PD: The link, once more, is http://invitro.vegasoftweb.com/es/

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