I also have an enhanced version of the jCarouselLite plugin that you are free to use:



Karl Swedberg

On Jan 4, 2010, at 10:19 AM, Liam Potter wrote:


On 04/01/2010 15:12, MikeTheVike wrote:
I'm using the newest version of jQuery(http://www.jquery.com) and the
jCarousel Lite plugin (http://www.gmarwaha.com/jquery/ jcarousellite/). It is a "content slider" that rotates content "slides". It is setup to
auto rotate on a set time, and you can also hit the previous/next
buttons to move through the slides. This has been working great.

Now I have the need for a pause button that will stop the auto rotate.
I think this should be fairly easy for someone familiar with
javascript and jQuery. Please email me at mike (at) moxiedisplays
(dot) com. This is a paid job if we can find someone to do it
correctly and in a timely manner. Thanks!

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