You can't apply CSS to a text node, but you can find the text node, wrap it in a span, and then apply the css to that span. This should work:

$('div > p').contents().filter(function() {
return this.nodeType == 3 && this.nodeValue.indexOf('certain string') > -1;
}).wrap('<span/>').parent().css('color', 'red');


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 5, 2010, at 5:59 PM, bundy wrote:

I'm trying to avoid classes and ids if possible. If I have to use them
I won't really need jQuery.

What about something like

var six = $("div > p::nth-child(6)

and then
for (i=0; i<six.length; i++) {
if (six.item(i).textNode) == "_ _ ") {
        six.item(i).style.color = "red" }

On Jan 6, 3:04 am, brian <> wrote:
CSS only operates on tagged elements. You'll have to wrap the text
node in a span (with a certain class, for example).

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 2:00 AM, bundy <> wrote:
Hi, I'm new to jQuery, finding feet.

I want to be able to say, "if the text node of a certain child
consists of certain string, do this with its css".

Gotten as far as changing the css of all the children, thus:

 $("div > p::nth-child(6).css("color", "red");


 $("div > p::nth-child(6).textNode("_ _").css("color", "red");
doesn't do it. Nor does textNode=...

Second question, Firefox error console isn't muchhelp in interpreting
the error. Any suggestion for debugging?

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