I was curious if there was a way to hit the current xhr object in the
success callback.  I've been tinkering with it, and have been unable
to figure out how to do that.

The reason I ask is because I am trying to debug an application I've
been working on, and sometimes the response XML is not formatted
correctly; however, the occurrence seems random, and still triggers
the "success" method, since there are no actual server-side errors.

I'm looking to do something like:

var data = $.param(myObj); // post data

// AJAX to val page
        "type": "POST",
        "url": "myval.asp",
        "data": data,
        "dataType": "xml",
        "async": true,
        "global": false,
        "cache": false,
        "success": function (objXml) {
                $(objXml).find("ticket").exists( // see if the ticket is present
                        function () {
                                var ticket = this.attr("number");
                                if (typeof(ticket) === "undefined") {
                                                "fn": fnName,
                                                "detail": "Ticket is present, 
but value is null",
                                                "page": "myval.asp",
                                                "post": data,
xhr.responseText // need tp hit XHR object here
                                // do stuff
                        function () {
                                        "fn": fnName,
                                        "detail": "Ticket is not present in 
                                        "page": "myval.asp",
                                        "post": data,
                                        "responseText": xhr.responseText // 
need to hit the XHR object
        "error": functon (xhr) {
                        "fn": fnName,
                        "detail": "Specifics on what's supposed to happen",
                        "page": "myval.asp", // page I'm trying to AJAX to
                        "post": data,
                        "responseText": xhr.responseText

$(selector).exists() and $(selector).absent() are functions I added.
Basically, if the selector is found in the DOM, the callback in exists
is executed, if it's not found in the DOM, the callback in absent is

I'm needing to hit the XHR object's responseText property inside the
success function of the AJAX call, but am not able to do so.

Any ideas?

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