
I'm trying to figure out how to select a value from a list that is
filled dynamically using ajax (auto suggest).
Take a  look at the small code:

when typing in a name by the keyboard this function is called:

function lookup(inputString,a) {

                if(inputString.length == 0) {
                        // Hide the suggestion box.
                } else {
                        $.post("autoComplete/rpc.php",  {queryString: 
""+inputString+""} ,
                                if(data.length >1) {

An when choosing a value from the given back values list  $
('#autoSuggestionsList').html(data); then the next function does his

        function fill(thisValue) {

But now i want to use the up and down keyboard keys to get to the next
value and choose it by enter.
I wonder if there is a simple jquery solution for this?

thank you for your help in advance :)

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