I'm adding an input and select box to a div by setting the div's
html.  I then attach a change event to the select which posts to a php
page using ajax.  I'm having a problem however accessing the value of
the input from the change event.  This is the event.

$('#' + popup.popupId + ' select').change(function(event) {


        var matchup = $('#' + popup.popupId + ' input[type="hidden"]').val();
        var match = $(this).val();

        $.get(baseUrl + 'edit_match&type=match&matchup_id=' + matchup +
'&match_id=' + match, {}, function(data, textStatus) {
                        handleFormSuccess(popup, data);
                }, 'json');

Is there a way I can access the value of the input here.  I've tried
various selectors but none seem to work.

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