Hello all,
I am using the slideUp animation to hide a div.  Above the div, are 25
other divs that may or may not be visible. The speed of the slideUp
animation depends on how many of those divs are visible. if 25 divs
are visible, the animation takes 1200ms. If 20 divs are visible, the
animation takes 700ms. If 15 divs are visible, it takes 600ms. If 10
divs are visible, it takes 470-500 ms. if 5 divs are visible it takes
~350ms (as an fyi the slideDown takes 350ms regardless of divs

About half the time is spend in css() and half in hidden(). I don't
see why it should take upto 600ms to compare two values in hidden().
If I take out slideUp and place in hide() it takes longer!
If I take out slideUp and place in
    document.getElementById("endorsementFeeAdjust").style.display =
The css() time goes to 0, but hidden is still taking the same amount
of time.

If I take out the fadeOut and fadeIn, then the hidden drops to 0 as
well. Why does hidden take so long?

$("#addEndorseFeeBtn").click(function() {
                        $("#endorsementFeeAdjust").slideDown("slow",function () 
$("#addEndorseFeeBtn").fadeOut("fast").text("Remove Endorsement
Fee Adjustment").fadeIn("fast");
                else {
                        $("#endorsementFeeAdjust").slideUp('slow', function () {
$("#addEndorseFeeBtn").fadeOut('slow').text("Add Endorsement Fee
("endorsementFeeAdjustmentDescription").value = '';
= '';

Thank you,

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