I NEED HELP PLEASE... IM USING AJAXform and i need send a javascript
variable but i don´t know how i can do that! this is the code:

obs: I need send the form and the array "series"

//en series[] se almacena cada fila de la tabla
                for(var i=0;i<numFilas;i++){
                        var fila=filas[i];
                        var columnas=fila.cells;
                        var id_aux=0;

            var opciones = {
                                target: '#resp',
                                //clearForm: true,


                $('#form').ajaxForm(opciones) ;
                //var queryString = $('#form').formSerialize();
                //queryString=queryString +"&series="+series;
                //$.post('respuesta.php', queryString);

I do this but in respuesta.php i don´t receive the data value...please
i need helpp :(

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