
I'm using a machine translation of JSch from java to C#. We have not had
any issues with this until now. My problem is that a specific ssh key
cannot be used successfully with jsch. I had the user who reported the
problem generate a new ssh key in the same manner as his broken one and
email it to me.

What I received was an AES encrypted key (attached as id_rsa, passphrase is
'MonoDevelop1') so I initially assumed that we just had to update from our
older version of jsch to a newer version. However the encrypted key still
did not work with the latest release. I then decided to remove the
passphrase and decrypt the key using ssh-keygen. I've attached the
decrypted key as 'id_rsa_broken'. JSch was not able to establish a secure
connection to github using either the encrypted key or the unencrypted one.
There is no problem when we use the commandline git client and that key,
nor is there a problem with jsch and the dozens of other keys people have

Does anyone have any idea what could be going wrong with this? I've
debugged as much as I can and it seems like the key is getting correctly
loaded but whatever information is sent to the github server is incorrect.


Attachment: id_rsa_broken
Description: Binary data

Attachment: id_rsa
Description: Binary data

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