Hi there,

JSch 0.1.49 has been released.
It is available at
and its md5sum is e9ebc9c72d968ff3821b6ea2b4959a5f
And you can get its byte code in jar file format at
and its md5sum is efaa9c50b37df2274a4bb74f91ca0ff8

Changes since version 0.1.48:
- bugfix: Some sftp servers will sometimes fail to handle bulk requests,
          and whenever detecting such failures, we should re-send
          requests again and again.                                    FIXED
- bugfix: KeyPair#getFingerPrint() should return a fingerprint instead
          of keysize + " " + fingerprint.                              FIXED
- bugfix: KeyPair#getKeySize() should return its key size.             FIXED
- bugfix: SftpATTRS#isDir() should return false for unix domain
          socket files.                                                FIXED
- change: improved the heuristics for the password prompt in
          the keyboard-interactive authentication.  It may not be
          started with "password:".
- change: ChannelSftp#put(InputStream src, String dst) will not check
          if dst is directory or not, and if an exception is thrown,
          the check will be done.
- change: if the compression is enabled without jzlib.jar,
          an exception will be thrown.
- feature: JSch#addIdentity() and KeyPair#load() methods will accept
           Putty's private key files.
           Note that Putty encrypts its private key with "aes256-cbc".
           So, to handle such key files, "Java Cryptography
           Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files"
           must be installed.
- feature: hmac-sha2-256 defined in RFC6668 is supported.
- feature: added following methods to KeyPair class,
           byte[] getSignature(byte[] data)
           Signature getVerifier()
           byte[] forSSHAgent()
           void setPublicKeyComment(String comment)
- feature: added following methods to SftpATTR class,
           boolean isChr()
           boolean isBlk()
           boolean isFifo()
           boolean isSock()

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