On 06/Dec/10 6:14 PM, Casey Goodhew wrote:
Out of curiosity Marko, why would you avoid the "new"? I'm not against
it, just looking for the reasoning (we use this pattern in our code
quite a bit).

Here's why I wouldn't use new /in this case/. Not because it is redundant, but because it is misleading. By reading the first line...

var nc = new function() {

...you'd expect nc to be an instance of that anonymous constructor, but it isn't. It's actually an instance of the that object-literal returned at the end of the constructor.

Normally, I would like the `var nc = new function ()` idiom. I like it because it offers more visual cue than `var nc = (function ()` about the pattern you're using (module). And you'd be able to write your public API by augmenting `this` (another visual cue), while keeping the "private" members declared using `var`.

var nc = new function () {
        var privateMember = 1;
        this.publicMember = 2;

I also like it because this syntax is much more flexible than the object-literal notation. You can actually write something like:

this.addEvent = (function () {
        // use feature detection to determine the correct native
        // method and return a function that delegates to it.

I don't like it because, as I said, the JS community (myself included) is already accustomed to the module pattern. I also don't like it because it might create readability problems when there are other `this.member` declaration in "sub-modules", and the only visual cue would be indentation. A third reason would be that, if the final return in the classic module pattern would be kept to a minimum, then the API is even easier to read (this rarely happens):

var nc = (function () {
        var create = ...
        var read = ...
        var update = ...
        var remove = ...

        // Easier to glance over the public API
        return {
                create: create,
                read: read,
                update: update,
                remove: remove

If you have any other pros/cons, I'd be glad to know about them. But please, don't tell me that jslint thinks it's a weird construction.

Ionuț G. Stan  |  http://igstan.ro

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