Hi Petr,
     This is the piece of code that I am trying out.It is given in
Websphere 2.0 Documentation.
     It uses this class com.sun.server.HttpServiceRequest/Response.
     Can you please tell me how do I go about executing this.
     Thanks in advance,
                    - Mahesh.

import java.io.*;
import java.beans.Beans;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import DataBean;

* PopulateBeanServlet - This servlet creates an instance of a Bean
* (DataBean), sets several of its parameters, sets the Bean instance
* as an attribute in the request object, and invokes a JSP file to
* format and display the Bean data.

public class PopulateBeanServlet extends HttpServlet

   public void Service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)
      throws ServletException, IOException
      DataBean dataBean;

      // Create an instance of DataBean

         dataBean = (DataBean)
Beans.instantiate(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "DataBean");
      catch (Exception ex)
         throw new ServletException("Can't create BEAN of class DataBean: "
                                      + ex.getMessage());

      // Set some Bean properties (content generation)

      // To send the Bean to a JSP file for content formatting and display
      // 1) Set the Bean as an attribute in the current request object
req).setAttribute("dataBean", dataBean);

      // 2) Use callPage to invoke the JSP file and pass the current
request object
res).callPage("/DisplayData.jsp", req);


} /* end of class PopulateBeanServlet */

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