Hi everyone.  I am working on a
Java open-source project named OpenPortal that will be released under the
GNU Public License (GPL).
I am planning on using GNU JSP (http://www.klomp.org/gnujsp/) in the
OpenPortal project, but need some
extra features before we can use it.  I have been able to secure money from
some corporate sponsers to help fund extensions to GNU JSP to meet these
extra features.  I have contacted the author of GNU-JSP himself, but
also want to contact others in the JSP community who want to build these
features.  Anyone who agrees to build these modules would be paid money
to build the features, and
they would be placed under the GPL and the copyright would be transferred
either to the person himself or the Free Software Foundation.  You would
get paid to
write open-source software!  Reply to this email about how much you would
need to
build each of the following features in the next one or two months, and
much time you would realistically need. I
don't need all of the features; I could pay people in seperate
installments for
whichever ones can be built.

1) Full JSP 1.0 compliance - most important
2) Security sandbox around JSP files and the servlets that are produced
from the JSP files to restrict certain actions, like applets - probably
just a simple SecurityManager
3) Javascript support in JSP, using one of the open-source javascript
engines like Rhino or the open-source ECMAScript engine - this would only
involve integrating an
open-source JavaScript engine into GNU JSP
4) WebL support in JSP using the freely distributable WebL engine from
Compaq - this would only involve integrating the WebL engine int GNU

  Brad Neuberg
  OpenPortal: where websites become discussions, and discussions become

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