David Wall wrote:

> Is is possible (allowable) to destroy and remove an object from the
> session in JSP and be compliant?  I have some session objects that can
> be quite large, and there could be various algorithms applied to them
> to decide when they can be destroyed and made ready for GC.  I know
> that I can remove attributes from sessions, but I'm not sure if
> there's a potential bug in doing so since it's not clear that a JSP
> implementation would have to honor my request (that is, they might
> hold a reference to my session objects elsewhere within the
> implementation -- why I don't know, but they might since the spec is
> not clear to me). Waiting for a session timeout is generally too
> long.  The big objects are typically the result of a query, and it
> does make doing prev/next processing very fast.  If the person does
> another query, the original is destroyed, but if they just leave the
> site or go to other pages, that session-based query results object
> will live longer than I'd like. Or is it "safer" for me to have a
> session object that I can query that contains the reference to my
> other "session-related" objects so that I can clean them up as needed
> and leave the session object itself alone?  There's always a solution
> in code, but I'm curious what others might be doing... Thanks,David

I've had no problems deleting session-scope objects.  In a servlet, you
would do it:


in a JSP page, just put <% %> around the above line.

Craig McClanahan

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