
Firstly I have found that although the [bundled with jsp] development jsp
www server engine (in subject) has the "server.inet=" directive in the
default.cfg (properties?) file it does not just bind to that one address
under win32 (NT) - it seems to take over all available IP address in the
computer.  -  I'm not actually moaning - I know I should really be using a
unix solution where this problem may not exist(?).

I have a [silly?] question:

I assumed that when a jsp page includes a scope="session" bean that
[magically?] the bean's workspace [private objects] would remain private to
the jsp session & lots of private workspaces for multiple www browsers would
[magically?] be created.
I find that with the [bundled with jsp] development jsp www server engine
(in subject) the bean seems to share its private objects across all sessions
(multiple i386 PC browsers) [Again I am developing under win32 (NT)].

This latter point is a bit of a problem right now - I'm sure there must be a
very simple answer.

Derek Conniffe :)

Derek Conniffe
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