Hello all!

We're using JSP1.0 under JWS2.0beta2.

We've been trying to get "page forwarding" working.  Specifically, to get
one JSP page to simply forward over to another JSP page without doing a
round-trip to the client browser.

The simplest JSP file I've come up with for this is a 2-liner that says:
<%@ page language="java" %>
<jsp:request forward="http://hostname/.../other.jsp" />

When I hit the page, after the "recompile delay" I get:

Error during JSP page parsing
Unknown exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not forward to
servlet jspServlet : OutputStream or writer has been obtained

...At first, I thought this was because of the stuff above the redirect
being sent as HTML, but I've eliminated almost everything!

So, What am I missing?

Thanks in advance for your guidance!
-Paul Reiber

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