I have a bunch of semi-random points, but they're all "nearby" each other.
I'd like to somehow get the list of only the "outside" points (I.E. if you
were going to draw a polygon that contained all the points, which points
would be the vertices).

Then, just to make it fun, I actually have a maximum number of points that I
want (I.E. no more than 25 points).  I am willing to lose a few points from
within the polygon if it is necessary to keep the number of points in the
outline below the max.

For example, if I had 100 points in a pseudo circle, that would be the worst
case scenario because there is no way to draw a polygon with less than the
full 100 without "losing" (being outside the outline) points.  But that's OK
for my purposes because the points are going to tend to be in rectangular
clouds so I won't lose very many in practice.

My current idea is to somehow draw the outline as a polygon, but then just
simplify with larger and larger simplify distances until the number of
vertices is below my max, then use the list of vertices as my list of
"outline" points.

But how do I draw the outline polygon in the first place?

Jeff Adams
Avencia, Inc.
jts-devel mailing list

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