Tuure Laurinolli wrote:
>Dorrington, Albert wrote:
>> Initially our code was rather inefficient, considering that once the 
>> list of polygons is defined, it does not change for the duration of 
>> our search.
>You might want to construct a geometry index that can be used to speed
up point-in-polygon tests. 
>JTS has R-trees and Quadtrees.
>> protected double calculateCost(Point point) {
>>     ret = costValue;
>>     for (Polygon polygon : polygons ) {
>>         if (point.intersects(polygon)) {
>>             ret = 0;
>>             break;
>>         }
>>     }
>>    return ret;
>> }
>The code would look something like:
>protected double calculateCost(Point point) {
>     final Envelope searchEnvelope = new Envelope(point):
>     for (final Object o : spatialIndex.query(searchEnvelope)) {
>         final Polygon p = (Polygon)o;
>         if (point.intersects(p) {
>             return 0;
>         }
>     }
>     return costValue;
>where spatialIndex is something like:
>final SpatialIndex spatialIndex = new STRTree(); for (final Polygon p :
polygons) {
>     spatialIndex.insert(p);

I adapted your suggestion and reran the code through the profiler.
The run time for the calls to the calculateCost() method went from
46.4 seconds to 2.79 seconds!

I had to run it a couple of times before I believed it ;-)

Going to go back and add this to the other search areas as well.

Very impressive, Thanks! 
- Al

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