I'm proud to announce that jUDDI-3.0.0 is released! jUDDI now supports all the required UDDIv3 APIs. jUDDI-3.0.0 has a lot of new and exiting features, some of which are

   * Implements all the UDDIv3 required APIs.
   * Plugin architecture for Cryption and Authentication.
   * Flexible way of seeding your UDDI node.
   * Using the following specifications to keep the jUDDI code base small
         o JPA (tested with OpenJPA and Hibernate) and
         o JAXB (tested with SUNs implementation, and native JDK6)
         o JAX-WS (tested with CXF)
* Annotations to Self-Register/UnRegister your services and their Bindings. * Support for multi-node UDDI setups using the client and server-side Subscription APIs. * Introduction of the "UDDI Clerk" concept to support cross registration of UDDI entities.
   * UDDI Console with GWT based portlets
         o Browse portlet
         o Search portlet
         o Subscription portlet
         o Publisher portlet
   * Ready-to-go bundles: juddi-tomcat and juddi-portal.
   * Run in Embedded mode, RMI or SOAP.
   * Tested to work with Scout-1.2 (JAXR).
   * Integrated into JBossESB.
   * In production for the past 6 months at eSigma.
   * Tested with both SUN and OpenJDK JDKs.
   * Tested under load using XLT test suite.

Each of these bullet-points really needs its own blog post! Until then please check out the User Guide for more details.


the jUDDI team


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