Dear  Simon,
if you want to, send me your translations to my private email-address:
and I will correct all  possible errors in your german quotations. Off course, 
I can´t correct your english, that´s far outside of my possibilities.

--- Simon Friedrich <> schrieb am Do, 28.5.2009:

Von: Simon Friedrich <>
Betreff: AW: AW: [juenger_org] Das Abenteuerliche Herz - Zur Kristallographie
Datum: Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009, 20:39

Thanks Klaus! Those kind of hints are very useful to me as a non-native German 
speaker. I'll welcome any more.

Enjoy your holidays.

http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com

Von: klaus gauger <klaus_gauger@>
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Gesendet: Mittwoch, den 27. Mai 2009, 14:29:00 Uhr
Betreff: AW: [juenger_org] Das Abenteuerliche Herz - Zur Kristallographie

Dear Simon:
I am not a native speaker of english, but your translation sounds good to me 
and seems to be accurate and very near to the german original. But only a 
native speaker can tell you if your translation is really beautiful. I have 
made only one very little correction - the word "Urpflanze" wasn´t well written 
- I have corrected this.

P.S.: I was very busy the last weeks and wasn´t able to read all your 
translations. I am currently doing the "Refendariat" to become a schoolteacher. 
At the moment I have two weeks of holidays.

--- Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@> schrieb am Di, 26.5.2009:

Von: Simon Friedrich <simonfriedrich@>
Betreff: [juenger_org] Das Abenteuerliche Herz - Zur Kristallographie
An: juenger_org@ yahoogroups. de
Datum: Dienstag, 26. Mai 2009, 8:58

Hello all,

Here's the last translation for comments, corrections.

Best wishes,

http://ernst- juenger.blogspot .com


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