>For those of you who don't know SM - stands for Service Mark. Now why 
>in the world would Sun put a service mark on this? 

Because it embeds a trademark.

Thank the lawyers -- both the ones that are overly protective but of course
also the ones who defend clients who abuse trademarks when you don't dot 
every i and cross every t.  We certainly don't do it because we like it,
it's a considerable pain to deal with, but trademark and branding law
requires you be diligent in everyday actions to have standing to defend it.

>Uggh, next they'll patent the "process", cuz no one else has done this 
>type of stuff before!

No, it hasn't/isn't being patented.

That said, I don't know of any other (active) binary standard in the 

I'd forward the note to the lawyers to give them a chuckle but fear that
they might observe that "community" isn't really trademarked yet...or worse,
take the patenting thing seriously :-).

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