On Friday, November 14, 2003, at 11:52 AM, Tim Colson wrote:

Hey -
  Are the JXTA folks signed up to the list yet? Ellie? Jeremy? :-)

Neither are right now. I have forwarded the message though.


The discussion was interesting, got me thinking again about p2p apps.

The main topic (as I understood it) was how to search multiple peers for
metadata and retrieve the data from the peers in the peergroup. I never
was sure if that metadata was just theorhetical, or if the MD3 project
applies to some specific domain area (ex.books, mp3 files, photos).

So in that situation, the data is spread out everywhere, but not
contained in all peers. An example might be an illicit filesharing
network where people have different mp3 files on their HD's.

I have a different application... I want the data to be replicated
amongst all peers. Ex. each peer has a list recipes, and when they join
a peergroup, their itemlist would be replicated to all the peers.
Changes they make to the list, would also need to be replicated.

Each peer could then do local machine searches and such.

I'm wondering if there are any algorithms/strategies that apply to peer
replication that I might read? (I can think of some simplistic ways of
accomplishing the goal, but I'd prefer to read what others may have
already done in this space.)


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