> You have any URLs?

I haven't read any of these - but they are from the an MDA wiki page a
colleague setup internally:
OptimalJ http://www.compuware.com/products/optimalj/
OMG MDA site http://www.omg.org/mda/
MDA Productivity Analysis (PDF) from The Middleware Company: case study
of using MDA to rewrite the PetStore app.

Warner wrote:
> Personally I'm the opposite. I like a longer demo, if warranted,
I like to hedge my bets and cut losses quickly. Most demos aren't that
great, so after 15 min, I'd like to be able to cut them loose, or invite
them to keep talking if there is obvious interest. :-)

> I voted! But I can't see the "Other" comments. Any way to do this?
Cool! The 'freebie' version has limited options. I "own" the poll and
can see the 'other comments' w/ a report UI. I will post all results to
the list after the poll is over. 

So far, only 4 folks have responded, but I'm hoping everyone who wants
to will vote before the meeting so I can announce the results then. 

Voice your opinion, be heard! :-)


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