Just to make sure of the context, was this the comment that Rob made during his presentation?

If so, I believe what he was saying was that proposing a JSR is a long road and it takes a dedication (and time) to manage it, if you were going to do so. I don't believe that he was saying anything specifically about OGNL, more about the process itself.

Personally after hearing about the process I wasn't sure if that was the way for OGNL to go (just my opinion), but maybe after 3.0 was out and made it's big splash that might be an opportunity.

And also with reference to what Dennis said about JDOM, whatever happened with that JSR?

It looks like it died, but I don't see any explanation.


On Mar 17, 2004, at 9:06 AM, Drew Davidson wrote:

I just got this forwarded to me by Randy Kahle:


Interesting how Apache (via Gier Magnusson) is part of this JSR, as well as Richard Monson-Haefel (famous author and Java guru).

When the idea of an OGNL JSR was brought up to Sun's Rob Gingell I got a negative response (almost condescending actually - Rob shook his head and chuckled a "no" to me). In light of this JSR I'd like to know why OGNL is not "worthy" of a JSR and Groovy is.

Does anyone have any idea why Sun and Apache are so negative toward OGNL? I've struggled with this for years and I just can't figure it out. I forwarded the idea of a binding language for Struts, Ant, etc. till I was blue in the face but no one wanted to hear about it. Then JSP 2.0 comes out with EL and these same people are gung-ho on the idea, even though EL is inferior to OGNL in many ways. I just don't get it.

- Drew

< Drew Davidson | OGNL Technology >
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