One of the links somewhere from Williams blog brought me to the

I don't read Hani's stuff often because his rants often make me want to
develop in C#. ;-)  

But sometimes what he writes is just damn funny...some [in]appropriate
excerpts that hit close to T-JUG home (and almost always get comments
from Rick <grin>):

For ****'s sake, even maven, a tool for spastics, by spastics, a tool
that's so badly written it would make any number of holy figures break
down and cry like little girls, a tool so horrifically incompetent that
it'd make the baby jeebus attempt to gnaw off his own family jewels,
manages to actually get this right.
Lucene is a worthy exception; how those lucene devs sleep at night while
being part of such an embarrassingly incompetent organisation is fast
becoming a modern day mystery of epic proportions. 
Good vs Evil ... In terms of editors, the side of evil prefers Eclipse.
The side of evil is almost exclusively pure Windows users, and wouldn't
know a cross platform issue if it yanked off their genitalia and slapped
them in the face with it. The side of good uses IDEA, because they're
not afraid of paying for quality software.
----'re a smart chap (despite the very debilitating handicap of having
the attention span of a guppy....
---- can't figure out what the docs mean unless you already understand
the product, but can't understand the product without the docs.

Ya just gotta laugh. :-)

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