On Feb 27, 2005, at 9:28 AM, Drew Davidson wrote:
Chad Woolley wrote:

Does anyone know how to prevent the Ant propertyfile task from randomly rearranging your property file and whacking all the comments?

rm -fr $ANT_HOME

Or alternately, some simple ant/maven based solution that just lets you append a new property to the end of a file? I tried the replaceregexp task, but I'm not good enough with regexp to know how to append to the EOF.

I wouldn't have been a bastard with the above reply unless I had some solution :-)

Perhaps you should RTFM :))

I have an ant task that writes a property file based on a prefix.

For a frequent basher of Ant, it might behoove you to know the enemy well:

<project name="propfile">
  <property name="hibernate.whatever" value="Drew"/>
  <echoproperties destfile="hibernate.properties" prefix="hibernate."/>

True that this misses the original point, as does your task, of keeping the comments intact. <echoproperties> also supports the <propertyset>'s, which allow lots of control over which properties are selected, not just by prefix.


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