Hey gang -

Last month the in-person group was rather small. TR gave a good talk on
running Java from Oracle. We all know the group number varies...and some
times of the year or particular topics/speakers bring in a lot more
folks than others.

And there is also have a large 'virtual' contingent on the list... so
obviously speakers aren't a big draw for those folks right now.

I've been attending for a few years now, and I'd like to see TJUG evolve
and grow a bit. I'd love to have more people interested in attending the
meetings, and participating on the mailing list. 

I'm interested in all sorts of presentations topics from code to html
design to css to the Dark Side to C# to home theatre to animation to
decorated 2d graphic buttons. :-) 

More people -- I think, will help get more topics, more discussion, and
more beer. :-)

But how to do that? 
What interests other folks? 
What will entice you to meetings?
What will convince you to bring a friend? 
What thoughts and ideas do folks have?
What can you do to help?


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