Since Nick's been spamming... er, I mean keeping the list informed about his [EMAIL PROTECTED] series I may as well get in a plug for mine, too... The latest installment of my classworking toolkit column for IBM devWorks is now online at This one might be of special interest to people because it discusses Retroweaver, a tool that lets you use code compiled with JDK 1.5 on older JVMs (including features such as enums, generics, etc.). Earlier installments (linked from the current one) cover some other cool tools such as ASM, AspectWerkz, and Hansel/Gretel.

Also, the full set of presentations from Javapolis 2004 are online at JavaLobby: Besides my own presentations, these include Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller's tutorial on "Spring in Action", Gavin King and Christian Bauer on "Hibernate in Action", Erich Gamma's "Eclipse in Action", and Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter's "Java Puzzlers". The presentations are in the form of SWF files combining the video feed to the projector and the audio from the speaker's microphone.

Hope you're having [EMAIL PROTECTED], Nick!

- Dennis

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