i guess what i'm shooting for is, what topics are people interested in doing? i've listed a few of mine, but feel free to chime in or pipe up if what i've mentioned interests you.


On Apr 13, 2006, at 8:53 AM, Chad Woolley wrote:

I might, depending on the topic, the time, and my availability...

On 4/12/06, Warner Onstine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Awhile ago I tried to get a little code sprint going on for people
interested in learning Tapestry and maybe creating something useful.
I would like to remold these into strictly learning sessions that we
do maybe every other month or every 3 months and keep the sessions
closer to 3-4 hours. The goal of these sessions is to learn from each
other, in fact none of us may be familiar with the technologies at
hand, but its an opportunity to beat your head against a wall with a
group of people <grin />.

With that said here are some of the things that I have an interest in:
Lucene - http://lucene.apache.org
Ruby on Rails - http://rubyonrails.com
Ruby - http://ruby.org
Python - http://python.org
TurboGears (python web framework gaining some mindshare) - http://
Ajax - uhh, all over the place
SOA - kinda general Web Services stuff, not sure exactly what we
would investigate
Flex - http://labs.macromedia.com/
Laszlo - http://openlaszlo.org

Again, this would be for learning something not necessarily making
something. So, that being said, who is interested? I'm thinking that
we might be able to have our first one in a couple of weeks if people
are interested in devoting a Sat/Sun afternoon to geeking out and
then grabbing a beer afterwards (and yes laptops would probably be
required as we don't have extra computers here - but that's what pair
programming is all about, sharing ;-).


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