Kuali folk will be there (Me, Andrew, and Leo ;-). Hope to see some
of the fellow Juggernauts there. Oh, in case any of you have missed
these sessions there's now a book available (i'll be grabbing it soon
based on the topics and authors alone):
On May 25, 2006, at 3:47 PM, Jay Zimmerman wrote:
Event: Desert Southwest Software Symposium 2006 (JUG Discount
available - see below...)
Date: July 28-30, 2006
Venue: Sheraton Sky Harbor Hotel
URL: www.nofluffjuststuff.com/sh/2006-07-phoenix
Join Us for the best technically focused Java/Open Source/Agility
event anywhere, the Desert Southwest Software Symposium returning
July 28-30th. Make plans to join us if you can! Great speakers,
tremendous bandwidth of relevant content, excellent networking
event, great giveaways (iPODs), what more could you ask for!
The speaker list for DSSS 2006 include:
*Venkat Subramaniam, co-author of "Practices of an Agile Developer"
*Justin Gehtland, co-author of "Pragmatic Ajax"
*Howard Lewis Ship, creator of Tapesty and author of "Tapestry in
*Ted Neward, author of "Effective Enterprise Java"
*Bruce Tate, co-author of "Spring Developer's Notebook"
*Scott Delap, author of "Desktop Java Live"
*David Geary, author of "Core JSF"
*Jason Hunter, author of "Java Servlet Programming"
*Neal Ford, author of "Art of Java Web Development" & Agility Expert
Early Bird Registration Fee: Good thru 7/3/06
Individual: $725/person rate
Special $50 discount available to all Tucson JUG members. Please
use the code, nfjsusergroup50 when registering (applies to 1-4
registrants, groups of 5 or more would use the group discounted rate)
Group Rates: Good thru 7/3/06
5-9 Attendees: $725/person
10-14 Attendees: $700/person
15-24 Attendees: $675/person
25-over Attendees: $650/person
The 2006 show will be held at the Sheraton Sky Harbor Airport
Hotel. If you need hotel reservations please contact the hotel
direct @ (480) 967-6600 and mention Big Sky Technology to get the
$79/night rate.
As always, your support in helping us get the word out about the
NFJS symposium series is appreciated! I look forward to seeing you
at DSSS 2006.
All the Best,
Jay Zimmerman
NFJS 2006 Symposium Director
DSSS 2006 = www.nofluffjuststuff.com/sh/2006-07-phoenix
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