At 08:42 PM 6/18/2007, Warner wrote:

There was an article that my co-worker James sent me (that I can't
find) that talked about functional languages and the new multi-core
architectures and how learning a functional language wouldn't be a
bad thing. (If you do a google on functional language and multi-core
you'll see what I'm talking about). That's one of the things driving
this, but it still is about time for me to pick up a new language
that I'm completely unfamiliar with. I feel that Ruby is still there,
but not as daunting now that I've done Groovy. And from what everyone
has said so far (here and elsewhere) Scheme would be a good starting

OK, thanks...I'll check that out.

So, any good Scheme books?

Some classics:

1) The Little Schemer (4ed) by Daniel P. Friedman and Matthias Felleisen
     Conceptually oriented. Some people love/some people hate the "Socratic"
     style (question on left side of page, answer on the right).

2) The Scheme Programming Language (3ed) by R. Kent Dybvig
     Nice little overview of language.

3) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2ed)
     by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman.
     Not really *about* Scheme, uses Scheme for CS concepts.

You should be able to find all of these in the UA library.

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