On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Thomas Hicks wrote:

At 12:55 PM 7/10/2008, Chad wrote:

I have to admit, Idea is a very nice IDE, ....
Ruby support is as good as any other IDE, and any shortcomings in Ruby
support vs other IDEs are outweighed by the overall maturity of Idea.

The Groovy support is also pretty good.

I love the Groovy support (and the Grails support is pretty good too, but just starting to play with it).

However, I am finding myself less and less tolerant of huge, slow,
chrome-heavy IDEs, especially since they have little or no refactoring
support in dynamic languages like Ruby.  Lately, I tend to use

I must admit to doing a lot of my programming in Emacs.
But, I also find it useful to combine Emacs editing
with use of an IDE to browse and comprehend a large code base.
Eclipse quickly detects when I've modified a source file
with Emacs and reloads it.

I've been doing a mixture as well. I really want to ditch Eclipse for most of my stuff relatively soon. But I've been using a bunch of "domain-specific" apps like TextMate, CSSEdit, etc. that help me get my webapp stuff done.

I would like to become a VIM power user, because it is a decent,
powerful, and truly cross-platform editor.

I've found a core knowledge of Vi to be tremendously helpful
for the last 25 years (revealing my age here). I can sit down
at any *nix based machine and instantly edit something.

I want to become a TextMate power-user. I know I could be alot more productive if I knew some of the trick combos.

  However, that is a big
learning curve, and I would miss my tabs and scrollwheel...

Well, the obvious choice for you is Emacs, then. ;)

Nooo, not emacs :P. One thing I've managed never to learn. Maybe someday.



Warner Onstine - Programmer/Author
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