"Free flow jam, every Sunday at 6:30PM, Pittsburgh, PA
Indoors on the main floor of Posvar Hall of Pitt Campus

Come spin with us! Posvar Hall offers a huge open space with super high
ceilings, lots of space to dance, and a wall of windows that doubles as a
mirror at night.

The building is open to the public although two sets of the doors are
usually locked. Either knock on the window where you see us spinning and
wait for someone to let you in or just take a walk around the building to
find the open door. "

Center of the building main floor.  6pm is fine with myself. The entrance
is near this "piece of art"  ->>>> [image: Inline image 1]

See you later!

On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 11:51 AM, Christian Kästner <kaest...@cs.cmu.edu>

> Hi,
> as Ben mentioned on Thursday, we are considering to test the following
> change: Instead of meeting at 3pm today in NSH, we could meet at 6pm
> with the flow group in Posvar Hall on the Pitt campus (next to Schenley
> Plaza).
> Since it's too cold to meet outside with the slackline and acro people,
> there is no specific reason to stick with our 3pm time. Given that
> attendance is always a little low in the winter, it might not hurt
> combining forces with other groups.
> Opinions? Also let me know whether I should bring the suitcase with all
> the props or whether a few clubs and balls are sufficient. Ben, can you
> maybe provide more specific directions to the meeting (I assume it's
> obvious to find once in the building)?
> c.
> --
> Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
> Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
> Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
> Unsubscribe/Manage subscription: https://lists.andrew.cmu.edu/
> mailman/listinfo/juggling-members
Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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