
we hope that we can soon move outside again, but today is not yet the day. 
We'll meet as usual 6:30 in Posvar hall on the Pitt campus with the Pittsburgh 
flow collective.

Also, the RIT juggling festival in Rochester NY is coming up soon, only two 
weeks away. This is one of the largest juggling festivals in the US and only a 
5h drive away. If you pick only one festival a year, this is probably it 
(unless you are willing to go to Europe, then I'd have to say go to the EJC or 
BJC instead). The CMU juggling club has funds to cover most of the travel 
costs, including hotel, for people interested. We usually carpool and leave 
around noon on Friday and return by 8pm on Sunday. If you are interested or 
have questions, let me know.

Details: https://sites.sg.rit.edu/juggling/juggle-in/41st-rit-spring-juggle-in/

Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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