We will be Juggling at 4:oo PM on the Cut at CMU. There is a very small chance 
of rain and if it does rain we will be inside Newell Simone Hall's Atrium. So 
come on out and juggle with us at CMU. If there are any question you can always 
reach me at 412 708-3638

We are still signing up people for the Bridge and out raffle for Carnegie 
Tartan Juggling Balls. The raffle will go through the second week of October so 
please sign up. 

Important The Bridge

If you have a CMU email please sign up for the Bridge. This juggling club is an 
official CMU Student Organization. We receive student activities money for each 
person that signs up on the Bridge. We also are assigned indoor space based on 
how many students sigh up for this site.  Please, please, please sign up on the 
Bridge. I will make your favorite cookie if you do. We are only seven and half 
million dollars short of our goal to build a Jugglearium. 

The Bridge : https://thebridge.cmu.edu/organization/masters-of-flying-objects


Come and join us for the third annual edition of Flugglesburgh. We will be 
meeting at the Winchester Thurston School in Oakland on the First throught 
Third of Novembers. 

Fluggleburgh : https://www.facebook.com/events/1437911102999501/ 


We also have a facebook page. So if you would like to post pictures and do 
Facebook related stuff please join us bellow. 

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/groups/10387203602/events/

Random Circus History
In 1855 a clown and a fireman walked into a brothel. It sounds like a joke but 
it was the beginning of the Toronto Circus Riot. 


Celebrity Juggling: Robert Hayes

A couple of girl scouts start a bar fight in an establishment frequented by 
Longshoremen. This leads to the jukebox playing disco and Robert Hayes has to 
do a dance number to win the girl with juggling. What more could you want?


SR Gailey 

Secretary of the CMU Juggling Club and Guardian of a Secret Recipe so secret 
that I cannot tell you it makes. 
Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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