I would like to invite you to Roberts Hall's Atrium for juggling at 4:30PM this 
Thursday. We will be having all sorts of fun with the throwing things and 
riding the unicycles. Invite your friends and family to learn how to throw 
things around. If you do not have friends or family nearby just grab some 
random people. Well invite them. One cannot abduct people any longer. When I 
joined the Circus you were still allowed to kidnap people and force them into a 
life of performing on the road, but I digress. So join us in Roberts Hall for 
gravity defying fun. There will be cookies, 

If you need help finding the place please call me at 412 708-3638.

If you have anything that you would like to learn please email me and we will 
help you with that. 

At our last meeting someone asked me why the word Pyrohy was written on the 
side of a church. The answer is they are selling pierogis. Pierogis are 
basically potato filled dumplings from Easter Europe. Pittsburgh being 
Pittsburgh we take the best stuff from around the world that will give you 
diabetes or a heart attack and make it a way of life. Just for fun I kept track 
of all the churches in my neighborhood selling them. Not one church spelled the 
word the same way. Peirogy, pierogi, pyrohy, pyrogy, or perogi are the 
spellings I could find. This has nothing to do with juggling unless you play 
with your food entirely too much. In Pittsburgh we actually race our pierogis 
at every baseball game. You can tell it is Pittsburgh because there is a giant 
bottle of ketchup behind them.

Anyway here is a Music Video about a woman trying to keep people from eating 
her pierogis.

SR Gailey

Secretary of the Juggling Club and the proud own of a Pierogi Press
Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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