Well folks the summer is winding down. We still have a couple more juggles in 
front of the Carnagie Library. So come and join us starting at 3:30 PM and 
going till at least 6:00. Good times will be had by all. We will be online 
starting at 4:00 PM at https://meet.goto.com/189934429 if you are into that 
kind of thing. 

On other fronts please ask about balloon animals if you are one of the folks 
coming for clowning. With all the things flying around it is hard to remember 
all the more important skills. 

I would also like to remind people to ask if you want to do something specific, 
like unicycles. We had someone ask about Diablos and we are bringing a few to 
the Sunday meeting. All you need to do is ask. 

I would also like to ask the officers of the CMU Juggling Club and the 
potential officers of the Pitt Juggling Club about recruiting. When are good 
days and places to set up on your campus to sucker in, I mean find new 

I hope that you have time to join us. 

SR Gailey
Mailing list of the CMU juggling club: Masters of Flying Objects
Website: http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/juggle/
Mailing list: Juggling-members@lists.andrew.cmu.edu
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