“Giuseppe Torre” Prizes for Critical Studies about the Tribunal for the ex 

 With the aim of spreading a critical view regarding the birth and the activity 
of the “International Criminal Tribunal for the ex-Yugoslavia” (ICTY), 
JUGOCOORD ONLUS [a no-profit organization for social benefit, based in Italy] 
banishes two prizes for the year 2018.

 Object The prizes will be assigned for essays, already discussed dissertations 
(Degrees or Masters), scientific articles or books devoted to the critical 
analysis of the ICTY activity.
 The works, which can be written in English or in Italian, must offer a 
significant contribution to the study as well as to the popularization of the 
matter, while investigating the origin and the acts of the ICTY.
 In particular, in accordance with the intents of the prizes’ Donor[1],
 the activity of ICTY shall be investigated as a primary tool in the context of 
the international vicissitude which brought first to the end of the Socialist 
Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and then of the Federal Republic of 
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro).
 The works will pass a first scrutiny by the Jury, which will verify their 
interest under one or more of the following aspects:
 - legitimity (of the institution itself);
 - impartiality (in making allegations as well as imposing and executing 
 - contribution to peace among the conflicting parties on the territory of the 
former Federative Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia;
 - protection of the rights of the accused (including: life, health, defence, 
rightful treatment at conviction);
 - possible contradictions with the principles of sovereignity of the States 
and self-determination of the (discriminated) Peoples, as it stands in 
international law.
 Above all will be appreciated works which, although scientifically rigorous 
and in-depth, are nevertheless suited to spreading the issue towards 
non-specialists through avoiding mere jurisprudential reviews and exaggerated 

 Prizes Two prizes will be assigned, the first amounting 7.000 euro and the 
second 3.000 euro (both tax netto), to those works which will be chosen as the 
best ones by the unquestionable decision of the Jury.
 JUGOCOORD ONLUS will take care of regulating the tax and social issues which 
will result to be applicable.
 The Jury may not assign one or both prizes in case the received works will be 
considered as not worthy.

 Participation Citizens of all countries, ages, qualifications are eligible to 
 Each work to concur must be mailed in 4 full identical paper copies, which can 
be sent starting 1 March 2018 and must arrive not beyond 1 June 2018 (“Call 
deadline”) by registered post to the address:
 JUGOCOORD ONLUS, C.P. 13114 (Uff. Roma 4), 00100 ROMA - ITALY.

 Together with the paper copies, the following items must be also sent within 
the same envelope labeled “Concorso Torre 2018”:
 * 4 copies (at least one of them with original signature, albeit not 
authentified) of the Application for participation to the prize, containing the 
following information: name and surname, date and place of birth, citizenship, 
postal address, email address and phone number to be used for receiving any 
communications connected with the competition, passport or identity card 
specifications, legal residence, tax number or equivalent, a short text to 
explain the reason for participating in the competition and describing the 
projects of ideas for a future use of the work itself; it will be also 
necessary to declare to have read the present Call and to accept it in full and 
to allow the treatment of the personal data for the purposes of the competition 
as prescribed by the Italian law decree D.lgs. n. 196/2003;
 * possible additional documents (e.g. multimedial).
 The essay must not have been published at the time of the Call Deadline.
 All receive copies will NOT be sent back to the Authors, nor be transmitted to 
others, unless specific agreements will be made directly between them and 
JUGOCOORD ONLUS. One of the received copies will be acquired in the Archive of 
JUGOCOORD ONLUS, the other will remain at disposal of the Jury members.
 Applications will not be considered if sent beyond the Call Deadline or 
written in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this Article.

 Jury and Awards Ceremony The Jury is formed by three experts of the issues to 
be dealt with in the essays, which are not members of the ONLUS.
 The Jury will proceed through unquestionable judgement to evaluating the 
received works and assigning the prizes keeping into consideration, apart from 
what contained in the Object of the Call, also: methodological rigor, relevance 
to the proposed theme, originality and possible impact to the aim of spreading 
a critical view on the institution and the activity of ICTY.
 The prizes assignment will be made public starting 15 October 2018 on the 
internet site .
 Each prize winner will be also informed at one of the addresses given in the 
respective Application for Participation before 1 November 2018, and will be 
invited, with refund of travel expenses, to take part to the awards ceremony 
which will be held in Milano within the end of the same year.

 For further information about this Call please contact: .


 It is the legacy of Giuseppe Torre, an antiwar activist who died recently, 
which made it possible to banish this tender. His analysis of the Yugoslav 
crisis of the end of the XX Century can be found in the article “The 
dissolution of Yugoslavia and the present humanitarian catastrophe (2006): .


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