(english / русский / srpskohrvatski / italiano)

 Cronache del Ventennale / 6: Voices from Russia

 0) Altri link sui rapporti Serbia-Russia
 1) Russian Foreign Ministry statement on the 20th anniversary of NATO 
aggression against Yugoslavia
 2) Pristina stand-off: How Moscow blindsided NATO with secret Kosovo airport 
raid 20 years ago (RT, 11 Jun, 2019)
 3) Russian General: We Made A Big Mistake When We Withdrew From Kosovo (Fort 
Rus, Jul 16, 2019)


 === 0: LINKS ===

 Sulle esercitazioni militari Serbia-Russia-Bielorussia:

 «СЛАВЯНСКОЕ БРАТСТВО – 2019». ОТКРЫТИЕ УЧЕНИЯ (ВоенТВ Беларуси, 15 giu 2019)
В Сербии стартовало учение «Славянское братство – 2019». Вместе с хозяевами 
участие в маневрах принимают военнослужащие из Беларуси и России. Наша страна 
представлена миротворческой ротой. В ходе учения будут отработаны специальные 
действия по подготовке и применению коалиционной тактической группы при 
выполнении контртеррористических задач. 
Союзные маневры проходят в пятый раз. Впервые такие учения в 2015 году 
проводила Россия. В 2016-м они состоялись в Сербии на полигоне под Белградом, в 
2017-м прошли неподалеку от Бреста, в 2018 году – под Новороссийском. 
В учении на территории Сербии под городом Панчево принимают участие около 600 
военнослужащих, и более 50 единиц колесной и гусеничной военной техники, а 
также самолеты военно-транспортной авиации.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05jEhJchWc8 
★ СЛАВЯНСКОЕ БРАТСТВО-2019 ★ (Fonte: pagina FB di Натали Курганская, 15.6.2019)
 В Сербии вчера в 5-й раз стартовали международные тактические учения по 
отработке взаимодействия в борьбе с терроризмом. В маневрах принимают участие 
более 1 тыс. военных из Сербии, России и Беларуси. Страну-хозяйку представляют 
750 военнослужащих, Россию - 200 десантников со штатной техникой, Беларусь - 60 
десантников. Задействовано свыше 50 единиц военной техники ➡️ 
https://clck.ru/GbWB5 https://clck.ru/GbWB5
В прошлом 2018-м году учения "Славянское братство" проходили в России - 
участвовали около 1 тыс. военнослужащих из 3-х стран, порядка 150 единиц 
военной техники и 10 вертолетов авиации армии ВВС и ПВО ЮВО. В 2017-м маневры 
состоялись на полигоне "Брестский" в Беларуси ➡️ https://clck.ru/GbVzt 
https://clck.ru/GbVzt в 2016-м в Сербии, в 2015-м в России.
VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/JazzNatali/videos/2371910736206554/ 


 Sulla parata del 10 Maggio a Nis:

Patrizio Ricci, 10 maggio 2019)
 Il 10 maggio, nella città serba di Niš, in occasione del Giorno della Vittoria 
sul fascismo nella seconda guerra mondiale, si è tenuta una parata militare 
denominata “Difesa della libertà”... Sulla parata, ho letto per caso l’articolo 
del giornale tedesco ‘[Deutsche] Welle’ che lancia farneticanti accuse alla 
Serbia perché – ad avviso del giornale che si fa portavoce dell’Unione Europea 
–  sarebbe ‘troppo sbilanciato verso la parte russa’...

Ivanji, 10.05.2019)
Serbia's government wanted to hold a military parade marking two decades since 
NATO launched airstrikes against the country. Under pressure, Belgrade moved 
the event to the WWII Victory Day... The spectacle could be interpreted as 
sabre rattling, or at least a provocation against NATO. Also, the alliance does 
not like to be reminded of its highly dubious motives and just as dubious 
results of attacking Serbia... the reason for having the parade at all is the 
20th anniversary of NATO airstrikes...


 [Ambasciatore USA attacca generale Lazarevic, processato all'Aia, per la sua 
presenza alla parata del 10 Maggio a Nis]

 Амерички амбасадор у Београду Кајл Скoт сматра да је срамотно што је 
пензионисани војни генерал Владимир Лазаревић у уторак у Нишу предводио марш 
„Бемртног пука“, поводом обележавања Дана победе, подсећајући да је Лазаревић 
осуђен за ратне злочине.
 „Срамота је да осуђени ратни злочинац корача испред оних који желе да одају 
почаст савезницима који су умирали борећи се за правду и мир у Европи. Дан 
Европе = европске вредности“, навео је Скoт на свом налогу на Твитеру [ 
https://twitter.com/usambserbia/status/1126825769479606278 ], уз објаву 
фотографије на којој Лазаревићу придржава капут генерални секретар председника 
Републике Никола Селаковић, преоноси Танјуг. Генерал Лазаревић који је 
некадашњи командант Приштинског корпуса и Треће армије, пред Хашким трибуналом 
је осуђен за злочине против човечности, кршења закона и обичаја ратовања и 
друга нехумана дела на 14 година затвора. Пуштен је на условну слободу у 
децембру 2015. након, што је више од 10 година провео у притвору Трибунала у 
Miladinović – 10. maja 2019.)
Grad Niš je juče zvanično obeležio Dan pobede nad fašizmom maršem „Besmrtnog 
puka“, koji je prevodio penzionisani general Vladimir Lazarević, nekadašnji 
komandant Prištinskog korpusa i Treće armije koji je pred Haškim tribunalom 
osuđen za zločine protiv čovečnosti, kršenja zakona i običaja ratovanja i druga 
nehumana dela na 14 godina zatvora...




(di Enrico Vigna, maggio 2019)
 Serbia: Belgrado... Tra le migliaia di partecipanti a Belgrado c’erano anche 
alti funzionari della Federazione Russa, tra cui Konstantin Kosachev e Valery 
Riazan... Oltre a Belgrado la marcia si è svolta a Nis, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, 
Kragujevac, Krusevac, Uzice, Paracin, Pancevo, Sombor e Kikinda... Repubblica 
Serba di Bosnia: Banja Luka, Trebinje, Sarajevo Est [dove] questo evento è 
stato organizzato in collaborazione con i rappresentanti delle organizzazioni 
dei Veterani di guerra SUBNOR, che combatterono nella Seconda guerra mondiale e 
dell’Ambasciata russa in BiH... Salutando i partecipanti prima dell'inizio 
della marcia, il vice ambasciatore russo Karestejdjan ha detto che l'idea 
principale e l'obiettivo della marcia del "Reggimento Immortale": “… è quello 
di non dimenticare mai gli eroi che hanno dato la vita per la libertà dei loro 
popoli. Sono morti in piedi, in modo che oggi noi non vivessimo in ginocchio…” 
Kosovo-Metohija: Gracanica... Andrej Antonov, un funzionario russo dell'UNMIK , 
che vive a Pristina in Kosovo, con la moglie Natalia e cinque figli, ha voluto 
fare un dignitoso ricordo dei suoi antenati Veterani sovietici... Croazia: 
Zagabria... Anche l'Unione Nazionale dei russi in Croazia nel Centro Culturale 
Napredak ha commemorato il Giorno della Vittoria sul fascismo con recite e il 
coro "Rabinjuška" che ha eseguito diversi brani dei soldati dell'Armata 
Rossa... Rijeka... Macedonia del Nord: Skopje, Bitola... Montenegro: Tivat, 
Podgorica... Slovenia: Lubiana.

Poggi, 25 Marzo 2019)
 ... Nel 19° anniversario dell’aggressione NATO, rispondendo alla domanda se 
questa si ripetesse oggi, a suo parere, la Russia interverrebbe nel conflitto, 
il Ministro degli esteri serbo Ivitsa Dačič aveva risposto: “Ne sono convinto. 
La Russia è in Siria su invito del governo siriano. Ora, immaginiamo come 
sarebbe andata la storia se nel 1999 fosse stato presidente Putin, la Russia 
fosse stata la stessa di oggi e la nostra leadership avesse chiesto aiuto”... 

 Sul recentissimo film russo/serbo, che narra della guerra per il Kosovo del 

mar 2015)
 VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr3ysjhWSKU 


 === 1 ===


 Russian Foreign Ministry statement on the 20th anniversary of NATO aggression 
against Yugoslavia


 On March 24, 1999, NATO began the bombing of Yugoslavia, which lasted for 78 
days. For the first time since World War II an aggression was committed against 
a sovereign European nation, an active participant in the anti-Hitler 
coalition, one of the founders of the United Nations and engineers of the 
post-war international security system. The Alliance had not secured the UN 
Security Council mandate and lacked any legitimate grounds for these actions. 
This act of aggression was a gross violation of the basic principles of 
international law enshrined in the UN Charter, the Helsinki Final Act, as well 
as the international commitments of the bloc’s member-countries. The Alliance’s 
behaviour ran contrary even to the 1949 North Atlantic Treaty, whereby NATO 
countries undertook not to endanger international peace, security and justice 
and to refrain from the threat or use of force in international relations if it 
runs contrary to the UN objectives. This was the beginning of replacing 
international law with an “order” based on arbitrary rules, or rather on the 
rule of force.
 About 2,000 civilians, including at least 89 children, were killed in the 
barbaric air strikes, which were cynically and shamelessly called the 
“humanitarian intervention for the good.” Among the victims were a number of 
Kosovo Albanians, who were allegedly being “saved” by NATO. Thousands of 
civilian facilities were destroyed in dozens of cities. The use of depleted 
uranium munitions led to contaminated soil and water in many areas, which 
caused a surge in cancer rates.
 The Autonomous Province of Kosovo was forcibly separated from the rest of the 
country under the propagandistic pretext of thwarting the allegedly unfolding 
“humanitarian disaster”. In reality NATO became a trigger for a real human 
tragedy, a smokescreen hiding the anti-Serb ethnic cleansing that caused over 
200,000 non-Albanians to leave their homes. Tens of thousands of their 
properties remain usurped by Pristina and Kosovo Albanians. No progress has 
been made in the return of the refugees and displaced persons.
 Protected by the NATO bombing umbrella, Kosovo Albanians perpetrated 
horrendous crimes, including kidnapping Serbs for illegal organ trafficking. 
The facts were revealed in the report by PACE rapporteur Dick Marty in December 
2010. The EU Specialist Chambers, which have been operating since July 2017, 
are responsible for bringing the perpetrators to justice. However, no charges 
have been brought as of yet. We believe that all militants of the so-called 
Kosovo Liberation Army complicit in crimes must face justice regardless of the 
positions they currently hold in Pristina.
 We state that NATO’s assault on Yugoslavia 20 years ago undermined the 
mechanisms that ensured peace and security in Europe for decades. Meanwhile, 
the Kosovo problem has not been resolved. On the contrary, it remains the key 
source of instability and crisis in the Balkans. It could not have been any 
different once NATO cleared the way to power in Pristina for former KLO 
fighters who later escaped their sponsors’ control.
 The heavy burden of responsibility for these actions and their consequences 
falls completely on the Alliance’s leaders and NATO member-countries that took 
part in the aggression against Yugoslavia. It will forever remain a stain on 
NATO’s reputation, which will not be removed by speedily herding the region’s 
countries to the Alliance, thus strengthening the division lines in the Balkans 
and public discord.



 === 2 ===


 Pristina stand-off: How Moscow blindsided NATO with secret Kosovo airport raid 
20 years ago
11 Jun, 2019

 NATO's bombings of Serbia in 1999 had one small episode that is remembered 
with glee by many Russians. In a surprise deployment, Russian troops seized a 
strategic airport near Pristina right under the nose of the British.
 Exactly 20 years ago, Russian troops deployed to Bosnia and Herzegovina as 
part of the UN-mandated peacekeeping Stabilization Force (SFOR) executed a 
highly secretive operation. Amid a training exercise outside their base, 15 
BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, two dozen support vehicles, and 200 
paratroopers sneaked out and sped southeast.
 Their destination was over 600km away in Kosovo, the breakaway Serbian region 
that was about to gain independence from Belgrade on the back of NATO's 
three-month bombing campaign. The Serbs were defeated and agreed to retreat 
while NATO troops were preparing to move in. The Russians were racing against 
them and militants of the Kosovo Liberation Army to take control of Slatina Air 
Base, the only airfield in Kosovo suitable for large military transport planes.

 Audacity paid off The swift deployment of the small force was not just a 
military maneuver, but also a political stunt. NATO's intervention against 
Serbia was highly humiliating for Russia, Belgrade's historical ally and 
patron, since its objections were simply brushed aside by the US-led military 
 Snatching Slatina airfield just before the NATO troops was Moscow's way to 
snarl at Washington and show that despite Russia's weakness at the time, it was 
still relevant. It was the military's counterpart to the diplomatic demarche by 
Prime Minister Evgeny Primakov, who famously ordered 
https://www.rt.com/news/269881-ex-pm-primakov-dies/ his plane to turn back 
mid-flight over the Atlantic in protest against the start of the bombings.


 "The Russian military leadership and I personally were convinced that there 
would be no military response from NATO to this stunning Russian audacity," 
retired General Georgy Shpak, who was commander of the Russian Airborne Troops 
in 1999, told 
RT Russian.
 "Also, the peacekeeping operation was multinational, so we counted on NATO 
generals to spend a lot of time coordinating their actions. And this is what 
happened. The audacity paid off."
 In the nick of time The Russian motorcade arrived at Slatina Air Base early in 
the morning of June 12, about 20 minutes before the last Serbian troops left, 
Col. Sergey Pavlov, the commander of the battalion sent in the surprise raid, 
said in a recent interview 
https://rg.ru/2019/06/10/rodina-prishtinskij-desant.html. He said the fact that 
not a single shot was fired was "happenstance, our greatest luck."
 "We feared we'd be late. And it was not about NATO troops. We had to arrive 
before... those Kosovo Albanians," he said.
 "They were there on the alert, sneaking in the bushes. We came in the nick of 


 Part of the credit for the success belongs to the advance team of 18 military 
intelligence commandos who were deployed to Kosovo in May to lay the ground for 
the operation. Major Yunus-bek Yevkurov, who led the team, was given Russia's 
highest merit for the mission, which remains partially classified to this day. 
He made a successful political career after retiring from the military, 
becoming the head of Ingushetia, one of Russia's southern regions.
 Ironically, the biggest threat to the mission was posed by Serb civilians, who 
were eager to welcome the Russian vehicles on their way to the strategic 
airport. The enthusiastic crowds of flower-throwing, cheering people – 
including in Pristina in the middle of the night – slowed the column down.
 "I ordered to close the hatches and not to stop for any reason. Go, go, go! 
The alternative was to stop and not move again," Col. Pavlov said.


 No WWIII for you A few hours after the Russians, the British troops showed up, 
commanded by an officer who later became famous in civilian life – Captain 
James Blunt, now a famous singer. There was some grandstanding and bickering, 
with Russian guards at one point aiming grenade launchers at the British armor 
to show they meant business, but otherwise everything was peaceful.


 The NATO leadership had arguments among themselves, too. Gen. Wesley Clark, 
the top American commander in Europe at the time, pushed Britain's Gen. Mike 
Jackson, who commanded the freshly created Kosovo Force (KFOR), to remove the 
Russians by force, but was reportedly told: "I'm not going to start the Third 
World War for you."
 The clashes in the upper echelons of power, however, didn't stop the foot 
soldiers from getting along. When the Russians started running out of supplies 
several days later due to NATO pressuring Romania and Bulgaria to deny entry to 
Russian transport planes, fellow NATO soldiers started giving them water. As 
tensions calmed down, the airfield was opened for NATO aircraft while Moscow 
brought its reinforcements without objections. In mid-October, the site started 
operating as an international airport with Russian and NATO troops jointly 
providing security.


 The stunt was a great morale boost for the Russian public. But it didn't 
escalate into a major confrontation with NATO, and ultimately the Western 
powers got what they wanted – Kosovo torn away from Serbia, creating a highly 
controversial political precedent that still poisons global politics.


 === 3 ===


 RUSSIAN GENERAL: We Made A Big Mistake When We Withdrew From Kosovo

 By Drago Bosnic 
 Jul 16, 2019

 MOSCOW, Russia – Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov is a high-ranking Russian 
military and public official and an expert in geopolitics. He is the President 
of the Academy for Geopolitical Problems and a retired Colonel-General.
 But he is probably best known as one of the key people who organized the march 
of Russian paratroopers to Pristina in 1999 when 250 paratroopers took control 
of Pristina Airport, right before the noses of a NATO occupying force, after a 
500km forced march from Bosnia, where they were stationed as peacekeepers.
 “I know that a number of European states do not want Kosovo to gain an army,” 
retired Colonel-General and one of Russia’s leading geopolitical experts told 
in an interview for Serbian “Novosti” daily.
 – The fact that Hashim Thaci has constantly been saying that they will soon 
get a Kosovo Army means nothing because they do not decide about it in 
Pristina. Will the West allow Kosovo to gain an army depends on whether the 
more reasonable part of Europe can oppose the Americans. And I know that a 
number of European states do not want Kosovo to get an army.
 “Many politicians in Europe are aware that the Kosovo Army would actually be 
an entirely Muslim army. We’ll see if the Europeans will give in to American 
pressure again. Washington has basically given another state to the Albanians 
by stripping the territory of Serbia and allowing them to get an army, ” said 
Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov, 74, one of Russia’s leading geopolitical experts, 
professor at the Moscow Institute of International Relations, in an exclusive 
interview with Serbian “Novosti” daily. Russian diplomats are being trained at 
the Moscow Institute of International Relations.

 Ivashov, who was chief of the Main Administration of International Military 
Cooperation of the Russian Ministry of Defense, recalls that the stories of 
alleged Belgrade’s terror and oppression over Albanians were fabricated in an 
effort to demonize Serbs.
 Do Western politicians who have left the geopolitical scene admit a mistake 
with Kosovo?
 – They should have thought about that a long time ago, it’s too late to be 
right when they did injustice to the Serbs. Let’s hope Western Europe doesn’t 
repeat the mistake and allow the creation of the Kosovo Army. Kosovo Albanians 
have been involved in terrorist actions, drug trafficking, as well as forced 
sex trafficking. If Europe makes the same mistake again, it will bitterly 
remember the days when they recognized Kosovo’s independence and their army.
 Why was it decided that 650 Russian soldiers and officers should leave Kosovo 
in 2003?
 – I considered it then, and I still do, that it was a big mistake. The 
proposal to withdraw from Kosovo and Metohia could have come only from an 
ignorant or a traitor. Not only did we not need to withdraw, but in the 
Balkans, Russia had to not just preserve, but also gradually increase its 
contingent for strategic goals.
 Igor Ivanov (former Russian FM and Lavrov’s predecessor) said that the 
departure of Russian peacekeepers from Bosnia and Kosovo does not mean “Russia 
left the Balkans because Moscow will continue to cooperate with the OSCE and 
other international institutions.”
 – We had only damage by trusting the Americans. The gravity and consequences 
of the mistakes that have been made, we can see today. But this shows that 
lessons from history have not been learned. Only ignorant people could believe 
that NATO would keep their promise. Naivety or ignorance and even affection 
towards Washington were obvious.
 You were a witness during Milosevic’s Hague trial?
 – The Hague Tribunal is a farce. They branded the Serbs as the main culprits 
in advance, before the trial even started. I saw how biased they were towards 
the Albanians. The Serbs were forced to prove their innocence by written 
documents. And the evidence of the witnesses, among whom were Yevgeny Primakov 
and I, were immediately questioned. When Primakov testified and gave evidence 
based on information from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the court 
ignored the facts.

 But at the same time, some incredible testimonies of Albanians were accepted. 
I remember that one Albanian with a shirt on which there were three large 
holes, allegedly caused by a large-caliber machine gun, came as a witness. When 
Milosevic asked how he managed to survive, he replied that he was saved by 
 The situation in Macedonia is difficult. What do you predict?
 – I’m not optimistic. The Albanians will try to take the first opportunity to 
further their plans.
 Do you think the successes of the Syrian army are changing the balance of 
power in the Middle East?
 – Russia’s assistance to Asad was completely justified. When the Syrian army 
seizes all major cities, terrorists will have to withdraw and stop direct 
fighting. It is already clear that the Islamic State will be limited to 
terrorist activities.
 You knew Hafez Al Asad, the father of the current president, Bashar Al Assad?
 – I told his son Bashar Al Asad the complete US operation scenario in Syria. 
Washington’s stories and threats about chemical weapons are part of the 
American scenario. I explained to Bashar that the Americans had planned four 
stages for Syria. But not everything went according to their plans, so they 
were scared of the ensuing political fiasco. Putin was absolutely right when he 
said that the pressure put on Asad regarding chemical weapons was a 
provocation. Asad had no reason to use chemical weapons. But Americans and 
their allies used every opportunity to try and overthrow him.
 American newspapers often point out the alleged weaknesses of the Russian army…
 – The Americans are in a great deal of panic because the Russians have shown 
that they are able to fight in a modern war. Russian high-precision weapons 
proved to be very effective. Their estimates do not matter to us. They once 
praised the reforms carried out by (Russian Defense) Minister Serdyukov, who 
caused great damage to our military. Americans are doing everything they can to 
stay the only bosses in the world, and stop the emergence of the so-called 
multipolar world. But the world is changing and American hegemony has to stop.
 The Pentagon tells stories that the quality of Russian weapons is bad…
 – It turned out very well that Putin changed the military doctrine. It was a 
wise move to modernize the army and invest more money in high-precision 
weapons. It is undeniable that Russian nuclear arsenal guarantees us security 
and no one should attack us because there would be an immediate answer. But, 
Americans began to arm themselves with high-precision weapons well before us. 
No matter what the story in the Pentagon is, the war in Syria confirmed the 
quality of our weapons, for which there is a constantly growing demand.
 It is clear now that Ukraine has no chance of joining NATO in the near future. 
But is there a danger of Ukrainians applying the “Croatian scenario” 
(NATO-supported ethnic cleansing of Krajina Serbs in 1995) and going for a 
blitzkrieg in Donbas?
 – NATO does not accept countries which are in conflict with their neighbors or 
have internal conflicts. Russia is not jeopardized by Ukraine, no matter how 
far former President Poroshenko went in his chest-thumping. It’s pointless for 
Croatian politicians to give advice to Kiev, their scenario cannot be applied 
in Donbas. There was a huge risk that Poroshenko would again go to war in 
Donbas, as he could have lost more territory. If in the near future there is no 
normalization of the situation in Ukraine, it is very likely that internal 
conflicts may escalate and then the country’s break-up could occur.
 What do you predict will happen with North Korea?
 – Nuclear war will certainly not happen and there is no reason for panic. I’m 
sympathetic to North Korea’s cause because they value their independence. 
Washington has to stop imposing their standards on smaller nations. It is in 
this context that North Korea’s desire to have nuclear weapons and missiles 
that could hit targets in the US should be viewed.


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