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(forwarded from Andrew who summarized what the other group discussed)

Here's what we found today. I've left off the list so we don't prejudice
anyone who hasn't yet reviewed.

- - State is not a very meaningful name. One possible alternative that
came up was BootstrapState.
- - There's 0% code coverage for the StateInfo function (it may be tested
elsewhere, but not in the provider package).
- - There are some error code paths that are not tested (no tests for
unmarshalling failures, or for storage failures other than IsNotExist).
- - If there were a test for StateInfo, we'd get noisy output - there's no
embedded LoggingSuite in StateSuite.
- - LoadState and LoadStateFromURL are not consistent with the errors
returned: LoadState checks for boostrap-state existence and returns
a NotBootstrappedError; LoadStateFromURL does no such thing. This may be
too difficult to do, though (which HTTP return codes mean that the
environment is not bootstrapped?)
- - In state_test.go, there's a function makeDummyStorage which gets
called in most of the tests. Instead, we should use SetUp/TearDown
methods on the suite, and split out the tests that don't care about
storage into a separate suite.

Tim thought it might be useful to pass on how I came up with the
coverage analysis. I wrote a tool a while ago called gocov:
http://github.com/axw/gocov. If you run "gocov test" you'll get a JSON
file, which you can feed back into another gocov command (report or

Example report: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6061352/
Example source annotation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6061360/

There are third-party tools for generating prettier output: HTML,
Cobertura XML for importing into Jenkins, and coveralls.io

The "go" tool itself is going to have support for coverage analysis in
the 1.2 release (I think). It does essentially the same thing, though I
believe it may be a bit faster.

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