Hi folks,

We have been telling people for ever not to run things as root. Most
packages that run systems things create users for that purpose.

Every time I think of our machine and unit agents running as root, I end
up feeling a little guilty. Why is this fine for us?

However, we can't just make a change and expect everything to work.

Firstly there are the charms, they expect "apt-get install" to work, and
if we change our user, it won't.

A suggestion would be to make an option for environment to use non-root
users for the agents, and default it to false.  This would allow us to
create environments where we do have non-root users and at least make
sure all our stuff works.

Then we could move to a QA mode where all charms get tested to make sure
that for any privileged action, it uses 'sudo'.  This gives us
privileged action logging.

What are your thoughts?


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