On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 9:17 AM, John A Meinel <john.mei...@canonical.com>

> So I played around with manually assigning IP addresses to a machine, and
> using BTRFS to make the LXC instances cheap in terms of disk space.
> I had success bringing up LXC instances that I created directly, I haven't
> gotten to the point where I could use Juju for the intermediate steps. See
> the attached document for the steps I used to set up several addressable
> containers on an instance.
> However, I feel pretty good that Container Addressability would actually
> be pretty straightforward to achieve with the new Networker. We need to
> make APIs for requesting an Address for a new container available, but then
> we can configure all of the routing stuff without too much difficulty.
> Also of note, is that because we are using MASQUERADE in order to route
> the traffic, it doesn't require putting the bridge (br0) directly onto
> eth0. So it depends if MaaS will play nicely with routing rules if you
> assign an IP address into a container on a machine, will the routes end up
> routing the traffic there (I think it will, but we'd have to test to
> confirm it).
> Ideally, I'd rather do the same thing everywhere, rather that have
> containers routed one way in MaaS and a different way on EC2.
> It may be that in the field we need to not Masquerade, so I'm open to
> feedback here.
> I wrote this up a bit like how I would want to use dense containers for
> scale testing, since you can then deploy actual workloads into each of
> these LXCs if you wanted (and had the horsepower :).
> I succeeded in putting 6 IPs on a single m3.medium and running 5 LXC
> containers and was able to connect to them from another machine running
> inside the VPC.

Thanks for exploring this John. I'm excited about utilizing something like
this for regular scale testing on the cheap (10 instances for 1 hr on spot
markets with 200 containers per test ~ 2k machine/unit env). Fwiw, i use
ansible to automate the provisioning and machine setup ( aws/lxc/btrfs/ebs
volume for btrfs) in ec2 via
https://github.com/kapilt/juju-lxc/blob/master/ec2.yml .. There's some
other scripts in there (add.py) for provisioning the container with
userdata (ie. automate key installation and machine setup) which can
obviate/automate several of these steps. Either ebs or instance ephemeral
disk (ssd) is preferable i think to loopback dev for perf testing.  Re
uniform networking handling, it still feels like we're exploring here its
unclear if we have the knowledge base to dictate a common mechanism yet.


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