juju-core 1.16.5

A new stable release of Juju, juju-core 1.16.5, is now available.
This release replaces 1.16.4.

Getting Juju

juju-core 1.16.5 is available in trusty and backported to earlier
series in the following PPA

Resolved issues

* service with no units stuck in lifecycle dying
  Lp 1233457
* destroy-machine --force
  Lp 089291
* destroy-machine --force plays badly with provisioner-safe-mode
  Lp 1259473
* API incompatibility: ERROR no such request "DestroyMachines" on Client
  Lp 1252469
* juju destroy-machine is incompatible in trunk vs 1.16
  Lp 1253643
* juju get give a "panic: index out of range" error
  Lp 1227952
* [maas] juju set-env fails after upgrading to 1.16.2+
  Lp 1256179
* juju destroy-environment destroys other environments
  Lp 1257481

Notable Changes

Juju may report the status of a service and machine that was terminated
outside of Juju. Juju did not notice that the machine is gone. This
release provides minor fixes to identify the case, and a feature to
explicitly tell juju that the machine is gone.

juju destroy-machine --force

The destroy-machine command will destroy the machine as needed, and
remove it from its list of available machines. Machines that are
responsible for the environment cannot be destroyed. Machines running
units or containers can only be destroyed with the --force flag; doing
so will also destroy all those units and containers without giving them
any opportunity to shut down cleanly.

Future version of Juju will notice when machines _disappear_ without the
need of “destroy-machine --force”.


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Curtis Hovey
Canonical Cloud Development and Operations

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