On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 9:38 PM, Stuart Bishop <stuart.bis...@canonical.com>

> Hi.
> I'm having some trouble fitting proxy services, such as load
> balancers, caches, connection pools etc. into the juju world view.
> I feel that a proxy should seamlessly drop into an existing relation,
> emulating the server from the clients perspective and emulating the
> client from the server's perspective. This would seem easy, just
> creating a new service that implements the exposed  interfaces. The
> proxy does its thing and connects connections from the client units to
> the backend units.
> This all works fine, except when not all units of the backend are
> equal. Without the proxy, the client is responsible for selecting the
> backend unit it needs to talk to. Perhaps it needs to talk to a
> particular storage shard. Perhaps it needs to talk to a master.
> Perhaps it needs to select a quorum of backends. With a proxy, the
> client units are no longer aware of the number of actual backend units
> or their role in the service. Each unit in the proxy service has only
> once face it can present to a client unit. It has no way of fronting
> for several backend units, unless they are all identical and it
> doesn't matter how the proxy routes the client connections.
> Perhaps to avoid this situation, a service should provide a separate
> interface for each type of unit. So for example, the PostgreSQL charm
> would define separate 'db-master' and 'db-standby' interfaces, and a
> client service wanting to use both the master for writes and standby
> servers for reads would need to open two relations. This would allow
> the pgbouncer charm to be dropped in, emulating both of the interfaces
> and load balancing queries to the correct type of backend unit. This
> seems cleanest, although changing the interface this radically is
> going to break things.
> Perhaps all units in a service should be equal. I chose not to do this
> in the PostgreSQL charm to allow easy failover, with surviving units
> examining each other and choosing the best replacement master.

I don't know anything much about PostgreSQL or its failover mechanisms, but
this seems like an appropriate thing to do in general.

Bear in mind that Azure ties together load balancing and service
availability, so users of Azure will today have the issue you've described.
The Azure provider will automatically distribute all units of a service to
the same availability set, which means they all have a single public IP
which load balances across the units that expose a common port.

> Perhaps a unit could create some sort of virtual unit in the relation,
> so it can present multiple variants of the interface. Even if it
> worked, I suspect the added confusion would not be worth it.
> What would be the best and most future proof method of going forward?
> I think I'm going to need to rework my base interfaces to be proxy
> friendly, deprecating the existing db interface and adding db-master
> and db-standby interfaces (db-admin can remain, as all the operations
> requiring a superuser will require the master). A single unit in a
> PostgreSQL service will present connection details on the db-master
> relations. All-but-one units will present their connection details on
> the db-standby relations.
> --
> Stuart Bishop <stuart.bis...@canonical.com>
> --
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