---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cory Benfield <cory.benfi...@metaswitch.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 12, 2014 at 4:26 AM
Subject: [Calico] Project Calico and Juju Charms
To: "cal...@lists.projectcalico.org" <cal...@lists.projectcalico.org>

Hi everybody,

I'm excited to announce that, after a fairly substantial amount of work,
our first preview release of Juju Charms for Project Calico is available!

Juju is a tool written by Canonical that makes it extremely easy to build
and orchestrate complex services. One of its most powerful features is that
it can combine with Metal-as-a-Service, another Canonical tool, to make it
extremely simple to deploy OpenStack in a number of configurations.

For the past couple of months we've been working on making it possible to
build an OpenStack deployment using Juju that uses Calico to provide the
OpenStack networking. Today marks the public availability of the first set
of beta charms for doing just that. As of right now you can go online and
get started with OpenStack Calico using Juju. It's never been easier!

If you've already got a MAAS + Juju system up and running, you can get
started right now. Attached to this email is the bundle we sent to the
OpenStack Interoperability Lab. You should be able to drag and drop this
bundle into your Juju GUI and immediately get OpenStack with Calico
running. This particular bundle deploys OpenStack very densely, loading
almost all the management services onto a single server, and using two more
to act as compute nodes. If you want a more spread out deployment, feel
free to edit the bundle: if you need assistance in doing that, please don't
hesitate to ask for help on this list.

If you're not familiar with Juju or MAAS and want to give them a try, you
can find out more on the Juju website[0] and the MAAS website[1]. Both
products are free and open source, and are absolutely worth checking out.

The source code for the charms is available on Launchpad. The links are

In the next few weeks we aim to get our modifications to existing charms
upstreamed into those existing charms. We also plan to add our custom
charms to the charm store, though that will require a bit more work. The
eventual goal is that you will be able to install OpenStack with Calico
seamlessly with Juju, making it easier than ever to simplify and scale your
OpenStack deployment.

Keep watching this space!

Cory (on behalf of the Project Calico team).

[0]: https://jujucharms.com/
[1]: https://maas.ubuntu.com/
[2]: https://code.launchpad.net/~cory-benfield/charms/trusty/bird/trunk

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