Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce our third Juju Charmer Summit! We've had a
large number of requests to hit the west coast of the US, so this time
we'll be in lovely Pasadena, California, 12-14 September:


As mentioned on the site, this free-to-attend event is concentrated on
teaching those new to charming, discussing the latest charm best
practices, and workshops for all things Juju and Charming. In addition
to the ~charmer community, we will also have representatives from the
Juju Core engineering team, designers, and field engineers supporting
massive Juju deployments.

In the past Antonio, Marco, and I have put together the schedule and
the ecosystem team give the talks. This time we're going to go with a
more traditional, open CFP process. This will allow the attendees to
shape the conference in a way that's more useful to attendees.

We've also set aside an entire room for ongoing workshops so that if
something in the main track doesn't interest you, you can spend more
time doing peer-peer training with a charmer - on real hardware -
instead of sitting through my talks :D

If you've never been to a summit I highly encourage you to come for a
few reasons:

a) Get bootstrapped writing a charm and learn advanced charm design
and authoring techniques, to accelerate your charms completion.
b) Dedicated track time to big software problems such as NFV,
OpenStack and Big Data
c) Learn from other users who are using Juju in production.
d) Stay ahead of upcoming new features and help shape the future of
Juju and Charming.
e) Face to face, hands on, workshop time with Juju and Charm experts.

As usual if you have any questions feel free to reach out to me, and
like before, we do have a limited number of sponsorships for those who
need assistance to attend, so ping me offlist if you’re interested in

Jorge Castro
Canonical Ltd.
http://jujucharms.com/ - The fastest way to model your service

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