Sorry for the mixup everyone, it's 15 July, not the 25th. :)

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Jorge O. Castro <> wrote:
> Hello everyone, a bunch of us have been on the road hitting up
> devopsdays, Berlin Buzzwords, and other conferences, so we'd thought
> we'd take a quick timeout to have an office hours to share what we've
> been learning and doing over the past month:
> Juju Office Hours is a freeflow meeting where we discuss what's
> happening in and around the ecosystem, what hot new changes are
> landing in charms and Juju itself, and our favorite part, you can join
> in and ask the team questions about anything Juju related.
> Date: July 15th, 2016
> Time: 2100 (9pm) UTC, 1600 (4pm) EDT, 1300 (1pm) PDT
> Where: for the stream
> Participate: #juju on freenode
> We will cover as many topics as we can in an hour, and take questions
> from the crowd. If you want to participate in the hangout itself ping
> me ahead of time and we'd love to have you onboard.
> --
> Jorge Castro
> Canonical Ltd.
> - The fastest way to model your service

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